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At first, a bunion may seem like nothing more than a cosmetic concern, a small bump at the base of your big toe that makes open-toed shoes a little less appealing. But as the bump grows over time, it may cause ongoing pain that makes walking difficult. Not all bunions...
How Visiting an Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Doctor Can Bolster Your Personal Injury Claim If someone else's negligence caused your injury—whether in a car crash, a slip and fall, or a workplace accident—you may be entitled to compensation. Seeking medical attention from an orthopedic foot and ankle specialist is not...
Symptoms of Foot Arthritis Foot and ankle arthritis presents with a variety of symptoms that can significantly affect an individual's comfort and mobility. Persistent pain is a hallmark sign, often exacerbated during weight-bearing activities such as walking or standing. Accompanying this pain is swelling around the affected joints, contributing to...
Big Toe Joint Pain Just like any other joint, arthritis can set in due to overuse or after a traumatic injury to the joint causing a dull, aching or even sharp, shooting pain. These destructive processes are usually a chronic issue and it takes time before the joint becomes consistently...
What is Gout? Gout is a condition where there is a buildup of uric acid crystals in your body. These crystals subside within the joints and can cause pain and swelling to the one or multiple areas of the body. Overtime, a long term presence of gouty crystals can cause...
Below I have listed home remedies to help prevent ingrown nails.However, if you have a constant pain, reoccurring infection, or tired of painful monthly pedicure appointments, I recommend coming into Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Institute to treat your ingrown nails. How to Prevent Ingrowns at Home: Keep your toenails long,...
Causes of Neuropathy There are many reasons neuropathy can occur. The most common cause in our office is Diabetes. Neuropathy from diabetes presents as "stocking-glove appearance." It occurs in both legs and/or arms and it can present as numbness or tingling/burning. Other common reasons can stem from low back pain,...
Cracked heels occur for a number of reasons. The most common ones we see commonly at Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Institute are: Barefoot walking on dry, cold or hot surfaces Excessive manual debriding or treatment of the skin Excessiveley soaking feet in water Ill fitting shoes Age Systemic Diseases like...
How do I know I have flat feet? There are two types of flatfeet: flexible and rigid. Felxible flatfeet are feet that have an arch (or concave shape) when sitting and the feet flatten out when standing. Rigid flatfeet that have no arch (straight flat line to the bottom of...
What causes toenail discoloration? Two main reasons I see discolored toenails are fungal infeaction or trauma. Fungus brews in darl, moist, and sweaty places. If you wear closed toe shoesor walk in public saunas or pools, you are susceptible to fungal nails.Trauma to the toe can also cause nails to...
When understanding your heel pain, there are a couple of of questions you want to ask yourself? Where is the heel pain located? Is it located on the back of your heel or the bottom of your heel? Does the pain hurt when you first wake up in the morning...